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Thursday, October 10, 2013

The rain finally cleared...

Sunday's Weigh-In: 241.2 lbs
Goal Weight: 175.0
Pounds to Lose: 66.2

The rain finally cleared up long enough for me to get in my 3-mile walk. Yah! I notice when I walked by the fitness center, the treadmills were plugged in. So now I have somewhere to go when the weather is bad. Funny thing is I was going to go to the fitness center last night and do the elliptical but I talked myself out of it going it was pouring down so hard. Now I wish I had gone because I would have seen the treadmills were ready.

I'm going to cut rice out my meal plan for a few weeks and see what happens. I also cut my calories today and will do the same tomorrow to make up for my day of overindulgence.

UPDATE: I went to the fitness center and tried the new treadmills. They're pretty nice. I didn't put in my weight and age before I started walking so the calories burned is inaccurate.

Tomorrow, I will enter the correct stats and see what the treadmill says then. I used the Walking Calorie Burn Calculator at ShapeSense to figure out my calories. I manually inputted everything in Walkmeter. I notice when I put the time and distance, Walkmeter said I burned 269 calories but it doesn't take into account the incline so I'm going with ShapeSense's calculator.





"An one hour workout is only 4% of your day...NO EXCUSES!

-- Unknown


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