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Thursday, October 17, 2013

It's so annoying when people offer you unsolicited advice...

Sunday's Weigh-In: 236.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 175 lbs
Pounds to Lose: 61.6 lbs

It's so annoying when people offer you unsolicited advice on weight loss. Two weeks ago, I posted on fitocracy in the Weight Loss group:

I got on the scale today, I weigh 241.2 lbs. That's 4 lbs lost since last Sunday and 40.6 lbs lost since June 9, 2013. Another 66.2 lbs to go. :-D
23 others propped this.
    • littlemissjen Amazing! COngrats on your progress so far! :)
    • kittykath Whooohooo go you!
    • Hasher Good work man keep at it.
    • kimmykakers keep it up! this is awesome
    • bdhoskins Thanks for the words of encouragement and the props.
    • kimmykakers you're very welcome, and thank you for following, right back at ya =)
    • Hasher Dude you were 3 pounds heavier than me at my heaviest. I started in mid July and started with paleo and didn't even workout the first month then started light workouts right at home and added only a l title something each and every day. 

      You can do this!"
    • Hasher Just followed you. 

      You need to add something besides walking. Body weight squats sit-ups push-ups planks stuff that you can have no excuse to not do. 

      It is what I did. Now I am knocking stuff if out and shedding weight again. I rarely go to the gym I just work out at home where no one can see me lol 

      Doooooo eeeeetttttt!!!!!!!
    • ryan_scribailo I definitely agree with Hasher. If you start doing more than just walking you'll start seeing progress a lot faster. Resistance training will dramatically improve your fat loss efforts.
    • Hasher Come on brother you can crush this 

      Maketh me not challenge you to a weight loss duel. LO L
 Well, apparently yesterday, this message was left on my wall on fitocracy.
Come brother we gotta get you doing something besides your walking. I was in the same place as you. How about 10 body's weight squats a day. Just build it slowly an s suddenly you will me able to add sets like. Ad. Come on man there are a lot of us pulling for you here. :-)
propped this.

I have yet to respond because I really don't see the need to but I will say this:

I've lost 45lbs "just walking" so apparently what I'm doing is working. However, when it stops working, I will seek the advice of someone fitter than myself not someone in worse shape.





"Give up the fat, watch your belly go flat."
-- Unknown


1 comment:

  1. Just keep doing what your doing! Its working. Follow the plan you have made for yourself as long as it works.
