Sunday's Weigh-In: 236.6 lbs Goal Weight: 175 lbs Pounds to Lose: 61.6 lbs |
It's so annoying when people offer you unsolicited advice on weight loss. Two weeks ago, I posted on fitocracy in the Weight Loss group:
Well, apparently yesterday, this message was left on my wall on fitocracy.I got on the scale today, I weigh 241.2 lbs. That's 4 lbs lost since last Sunday and 40.6 lbs lost since June 9, 2013. Another 66.2 lbs to go. :-D
littlemissjen Amazing! COngrats on your progress so far! :) kittykath Whooohooo go you! Hasher Good work man keep at it. kimmykakers keep it up! this is awesome kimmykakers you're very welcome, and thank you for following, right back at ya =) Hasher Dude you were 3 pounds heavier than me at my heaviest. I started in mid July and started with paleo and didn't even workout the first month then started light workouts right at home and added only a l title something each and every day.
You can do this!" Hasher Just followed you.
You need to add something besides walking. Body weight squats sit-ups push-ups planks stuff that you can have no excuse to not do.
It is what I did. Now I am knocking stuff if out and shedding weight again. I rarely go to the gym I just work out at home where no one can see me lol
Doooooo eeeeetttttt!!!!!!! ryan_scribailo I definitely agree with Hasher. If you start doing more than just walking you'll start seeing progress a lot faster. Resistance training will dramatically improve your fat loss efforts. Hasher Come on brother you can crush this
Maketh me not challenge you to a weight loss duel. LO L
I have yet to respond because I really don't see the need to but I will say this:
I've lost 45lbs "just walking" so apparently what I'm doing is working. However, when it stops working, I will seek the advice of someone fitter than myself not someone in worse shape.
"Give up the fat, watch your belly go flat."
-- Unknown
-- Unknown
Just keep doing what your doing! Its working. Follow the plan you have made for yourself as long as it works.