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Sunday, November 3, 2013

I know I said...

Sunday's weigh-In: 229.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 175.0 lbs
Pounds to Lose: 54.6 lbs

I know I said I would start lifting weights this week but I decided to go a different route. I'm going to try Shaun T's Focus T25. It's a 10-week program. The program is 5 days a week, 25 minutes a day except on the 5th day Shaun T wants you do complete two workouts. I plan to do this in addition to my 3 miles on the treadmill. I also have his Insanity and Hip Hop Abs workout DVDs.

I have so much time on my hand  that I've been thinking about incorporating an evening stroll. Not for exercise but more of a leisure-take-in-the-fresh-air-and-view-the-beauty-surrounding-me-walk and today I did so with a friend. It was different walking with someone, I haven't done that since 2007 when I use to walk with my friend at Mt. Trashmore.

I haven't really wrote anything yet. I've still been working on the outline. I'm two days behind. I notice 2 of my writing buddies are behind as well, so I don't feel terribly bad.

Oh, the moment you all been waiting for... 
<cue drumroll>

229.6 lbs
<cue fireworks> 
Well, this is my last post until next Weigh-In. May you all have a great week.


Last week, my BMI was 30.6 kg/m2, this week it's 30.3 kg/m2; I'm getting there slowly but surely. I'm 2.6 lbs away from the overweight zone. 227 lbs here I come!


Tuesday, October 29, 2013




"One step at a time." 
-- Unknown


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